I've looked at Bob from
both sides now;
From up and down, and still somehow,
It's Bob's illusions I recall.
I really don't know Bob at all. *
~ Polly ~
by that Tuneful Spoonful from one of the Duchovny
and X-Files Community's
writers, Goodwill Ambassadors and Foot Fetish Aficionados
Both Sides Bob
We take a look at Bob from both and all sides, angles, sizes,
dressings ...you name it.
random sampling of Bob at his finest, as in "Just being Bob."
it is, alas, sad, but true and very necessary that we, too,
Really don't
know Bob at all,
never stops us from trying.
For your Bobservation...
Putting Bob in His
could argue that it may not be the best Bob,
Or the
best position for Bob to be in,
personally, this is my favorite. J
Or this'll do...
I could substitute for Blue, if she ever needs a day off.
I'm well-trained and Bobedient. I come when called, too.
Woof, woof. J
This might be fun to try on a rainy day...
My thanks to Miss M for the Bizarre Bobber of The
Gnarly Bob
Post-Gnarly Bob J
And no, you can't *see* him, but you *know* he's there!
Bob Prone, Bob Rising
Bob in
bed – an IshFind
Bob out of bed – Ish Find, too
All Dressed Up
(The Morghy Sector!)
And then it was our turn to name something "Blue".
Unfortunately, came "The Blue Shirt,"
Never tucked in and scorned by Bob Fans everywhere!
But ah-HA! He's caught in an Unguarded Moment!
This is better, but always with the hands in the pockets!
Sheesh. J
All Dressed Down
Sector II with Ishousness)
the outdoors
Warming the Indoors and ...uh ...other things J
Bob Security
To Only a Skirt...
To Completely Vulnerable!!
(And to this day, still
doesn't know it!
Somebody Help Poor Bob! L
Dressing on both sides
Mostly to the left has Ish drooling
ß ß ß
à à à
I'm theorizing he forgot his mostly.
Profiles in Bobbage
à à Right
Without Bobnubiation
in the kitchen ß ß
Morghy Find!
elsewhere ß ß AmazingIsh entry...
A Bob with Every Meal
Bob before Breakfast
Bob for
Bob after dinner
The Bob Genesis
And in the beginning,
Bob was created in denim.
And in The End
(or The
XF Finale, as it came to be known)
Bob was created in denim,
And The Institute Said,
"It is good.
From both and all sides,
And both
ends of the spectrum."
Some special goodies for our Bobola
Show them who you're with, no matter where he is or what side he's
And By Request...
For the Woman who appreciates Bob, Bob Everywhere!
(She knows who she is! J)
Don't forget!
Withholding Bob evidence is considered a crime against
If you have Bob evidence,
Much Needed Special Thank You Sector
I want to send my warmest and sincerest gratitude to Polly the Princess of Prose, a long-time, unwitting Bob Philanthropist to
The Bob Institute, who more recently made donations to
The Institute with her complete awareness and consent to do so. (!!) Like ...it's Consensual Bob! Using both song and image, combined with a
way with words and wit, and a love of David
Feet, Polly is a Duchovny Lovers' dream come true, a
genuine treasure, and we'd all be less DD
enriched without her.
can find Polly's written legacy in
X-Phile's Land at
The Theater
of the Mind (TOTM), or
Always an X-cellent way to brighten any
day. Or for your daily dose of Polly's endearing presence, and the
always ...er ...uplifting Daily Duchovny Dosage (DDD), Check out the
David Duchovny Forum/Folder
where Polly
is Co-Moderator,
- Along with another of God's Gifts to
The Duchovny Community, another even
longer-time unwitting Bob Philanthropist and awesomely talented writer of XF
fiction, *and* an actual New York stage play (!!) Chimerical the Ever-Generous, who has also
unsuspectingly provided more Bob Fodder and Duchovny Delights to The Bob Institute and to yours truly,
personally, than I care to admit.
Ahem. :::waving
at her, if she's looking:::
Check out her Bastion of Bobdom and David Delights
The David Duchovny Archives at Chimerical
And don't miss the fic archive while
you're there!
- I also need to send out a Great Big Bob Institute Welcome to Morghy the Braveheart who has my deepest respect and gratitude for her courage
and for all the faBobulous images she provided to
assist in building this gallery, and another one or two to come (!!), which are
used with her permission. Thank you, Morghy! J
- I mustn't neglect to mention the
wonderful and munificent, forever favorite GertieBeth the Lovable and Loved, whose three DD and Bob-bountiful sites
The X-Files Screen Grab Archive
Have been a resource of inspiration and
a cherished commodity on my DD list
for many, many years. Thanks, Gerts! J
- I want to add my belated Thanks to two way cool places Polly turned me on to, through her DDD over the last year or two,
For all the pictures I may have stolen
from them for The Institute, sort of indirectly, through Polly's research and reports, which often instigated my own. Thanks!
- And I couldn't possibly forget BareNakedMulders the DD-Lover's Image
whose uncanny knack for finding Never-Before-Seen-This-Particular-Shot images
never, ever ceases to amaze me. Thank
you BNM! J
- Last, but never least, Thanks, Ish. I wouldn't be able to do this without you
*or* your ever-watchful eye for detail and other things, Bobola.
*Polly's Tuneful Spoonful (used with permission)
Was adapted from the
original work of artist Joni Mitchell,
"Both Sides
Written and performed
by Joni Mitchell
Available on the
"Clouds "
1969 Reprise Records
And the "Miles of Aisles" album/CD
Elektra/Asylum/Nonesuch Records